Why Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Why Do I Need a Dental Crown? | Boynton Beach

A lovely smile can enhance your character. To smile with confidence, your teeth must be strong and beautiful. Cosmetic dentistry provides dental crowns as a way to protect broken teeth. Your local cosmetic dentist can assist you in preserving your natural smile. Dental crowning can help teeth regain their strength. Numerous factors can lead to tooth deterioration. Even a tough food item might damage the tooth cavity. A dental crown aids in restoring smiles. Crowns strengthen teeth and shield them from further harm. In our previous blog, we explained the difference between dental bridges and dental crowns in Boynton Beach. Read along to know the necessity of dental crowns along with their benefits.

What is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns fall within the topic of prosthodontics. A crown covers your cracked, worn-down, misaligned, chipped or discolored tooth to offer support and give it a brand-new appearance. A dental crown completely encases the tooth until the gum line, providing protection.

When Do I Need Dental Crowns in Boynton Beach?

In addition to improving the looks of a smile, crowns safeguard against further tooth decay, staining, and biting problems. A tooth might break apart without a crown. This situation necessitates extraction, followed by a dental implant.

3 Benefits of Dental Crowns in Boynton Beach:

Following a root canal procedure, dental crowns in Boynton Beach strengthen the tooth, provide superior tooth restoration, prevent further damage, and enhance the appearance of your smile.

  1. A cosmetic dentist may recommend having a dental crown placed on your teeth after having a root canal to treat your tooth. The teeth can reclaim their original form, strength, and functionality. Additionally, crowns guard against further tooth damage and fractures.

  2. Dental crowns offer cosmetic advantages in addition to their primary function of restoring broken or damaged teeth. They rapidly repair dental misalignment, discoloration, chipping, fractures, and cracks since they fit over your existing natural tooth. These advantages lead to the adoption of dental crowns in various cosmetic dentistry situations. During the procedure, a cosmetic dentist near you removes the infected and rotting pulp from teeth as part of the root canal before placing a crown.

  3. You can easily sustain crown replacement for about 15 years. But you must uphold good oral hygiene and floss twice, daily. Never try to use your crown teeth to remove the beer bottle cap. It would help if you treated your teeth with care. Inadequate dental care might lead to crown deterioration. Regular checks should be scheduled at Boynton Beach dental clinic, and oral hygiene should also be a priority.

Consult your cosmetic dentist in Boynton Beach about the process flow, possible risk factors, complications, and estimated recovery time in the event of a dental crown procedure. They will carefully explain the process if you require a root canal, for a damaged tooth, before offering you the dental crown treatment.


Consult Dr. Steven Nadel and his outstanding staff at Comfort Care Dental if you're seeking the best cosmetic dentistry services in Boynton Beach alternatives. Dr Steven Nadel offers extensive knowledge and unrivaled competence in pediatric, implant, cosmetic, and general dentistry procedures, among others. For more call us at 561-732-8665 and schedule an appointment today.

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